yobotics Clean and modular software design and architecture for multi-platform environments

Our Expertise

List of technologies that we are familiar with to build clean and modular software:


We have 12+ years of experience designing and developing applications using modern C++ with CMake and Python3. Since 2 years we also focus on Rust language.

CI /CD Tools

We use Docker with Gitlab or Github to support CI/CD.

GUI and Visualization

GTK Gazebo

Robotics software development requires visualization tools for various applications such as simulation and human machine interface. We have developed GUI applications using GTK, OpenCV and Gazebo simulator.

Operating Systems and Platforms

ROS2 Yocto Qemu

We develop robotics software using ROS2 or from scratch. Our software is deployed under Ubuntu OS or Yocto Linux. For virtualization, Qemu is our best choice.

Web Applications

We develop web applications for robotic hub. For this, we use HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, SvelteKit.

Image Processing Tools

Gimp and Inkscape are our best of choice regarding the image processing tools.

Featured Projects


Docker Container for Gazebo based on ROS2

  • ROS2
  • Gazebo
  • Docker

Starting the ROS2 Rolling with the latest Gazebo using a Docker container on Ubuntu 22.04

Check it out

Various Mobile Robots

  • SLAM
  • Path Planning
  • Navigation
  • Simulation

We support various mobile robot projects on multiplatform.
